TSSC Duxford, 10th September 2017

Thankfully the early morning mist had cleared by the time we got to Thetford for the start of a three car convoy to   Duxford. Christina had declined this trip in favour of her father Frank. With her lads Nick and James it was going to be a ‘boys’ day.

A nice drive down in the sun changed when we got to Duxford as the clouds came over and the wind blew up. First stop was the tea tent, run in a donation system, then booking in for a valuation, the outcome of which was a very pleasant surprise.

This was followed by a wander around a good selection of around 80 Triumphs while we waited for the lads to arrive.

With Colin (who convoyed down with us in a red spitty) joining us, the first stop was hanger one for a look at Concorde amongst other planes. We then went on to the American hanger via the Triumph stand for another fuel top up and lastly on to the Land Warfare hanger (my favourite). We missed out quite a few other hangers, Duxford being a rather large place. It was great to see a couple of Spitfires flying over regularly, one of which offered 30 minute flights for just shy of £3,000. It must be quite an experience. But a tad too much for me.