Nigel and Di’s wedding, 17th-19th May 2024

Having just about finished the revamp of the inside of the Sprite, which had been on the back burner for a few years, we decided to take that along with the S estate for the weekend. 

The drive to Nottingham on Friday took 4 1/2 hours. An hour longer than it should, due to traffic jams caused by roadworks and accidents. On a positive note, the estate seemed to cope with it well. It would seem that my problem with the car’s overheating can be put down to the dial reading too hot, as there wasn’t a hint of overheating despite the dial almost going to a maximum at one point. She ran well for the whole journey. 

The camping field was a tad squelchy but we managed to slide around until we found a spot to un-hitch, thankful that we hadn’t needed the help of the tractor that was on standby and had been used by others. 

We had a quiet evening on Friday as we got over the drive and readied ourselves for the Saturday night party. And what a party it was. Well done to Nigel and Di.

Sunday morning saw us packing up and setting off for the journey home. Thankfully the ground had dried out and getting off the field wasn’t a problem, and, again, thankfully the drive home was without problems and only took 3 1/2 hours.